Monday, April 10, 2006

Neko Rar!

From the Pitchfork Interview:

When I hear auto tune on somebody's voice, I don't take them seriously. Or you hear somebody like Alicia Keys, who I know is pretty good, and you'll hear a little bit of auto tune and you're like, "You're too fucking good for that. Why would you let them do that to you? Don't you know what that means?" It's not an effect like people try to say, it's for people like Shania Twain who can't sing. Yet there they are, all over the radio, jizzing saccharine all over you. It's a horrible sound and it's like, "Shania, spend an extra hour in the studio and you'll hit the note and it'll sound fine. Just work on it, it's not like making a burger!"

Damn, Neko.

And that's the tip of the iceberg, far as venom-spitting goes. She really does choose easy targets though. Shania Twain? Madonna? Celine Dion? Duh, Neko.


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